A picture will often stir up the emotions.  It may even trigger a tinge of remorse and/or guilt if you are a parent who over-reacts when your little child does not obey your every command immediately.  Perhaps your child is the same age as the little girl in the picture - she's only four or five or younger, and yet you expect her to act and conduct herself as an adult - preferably like yourself.  How interesting it would be if the tables were turned and you were told by your little girl that because you did not listen to what she said  -  you were going to be punished with a "time out".

"Did not listen . . . you did not listen".  Perhaps if you had taken the time to listen to your child, she would not have felt so frustrated and rebellious.  Perhaps she reacted in the only way she knew how  for her young years - she did something to finally get your attention.

Had it ever occurred to you that your child may have had a very logical reason for not doing your biding?  If you haven't  - then maybe you really are a control freak determined to assert your will with an unrealistic expectation that others will do exactly as you dictate regardless of their own feelings and convictions.  How dare a little person offer you resistance?   If this is your mode of operandi - big mistake for you - and your child.

Children need supervision and understanding  - with a great deal of love and patience - and kindness.   You are their teacher and hero  -  they want to know you love and  care for them.  They want you to acknowledge their identity albeit as a very small little person eager to become who they are.  They do not need someone instilling fear into them or being the recipients of psychological and physical abuse to command their obedience.